I don’t know how many people might actually read this but I write this more for me than any reader that might happen upon it. As I sit here a couple months after God revealed the change of course for my life, I can’t help but wonder about who these youth will be that one day will walk through the doors of The Compass. What will their stories be? What hurts will they have? What will be their passions? It’s humbling to think that God can use us, as misfit and insufficient as we may be, to change the trajectory of their lives. We know that it is not us but He who is in us. Gal. 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.”
Just today I read a story of a pastor that attends a Waffle House every morning. His impact wasn’t broad and he didn’t get the masses to attend his church. The impact he did have, however, was deep. It was true. Will we at The Compass take the time to really listen, feel, and cry with those that are hurting? Will we meet them where they are and not where we think they should be? The prayer of this pastor is what struck me the deepest: "God, please send me today the ones that no one else wants.” Will we pray the same prayer or will we ask for the well behaved kids that seem to have it together? I mean, are we really willing to deal with the hurt, the garbage, and the offensive outbursts of the marginalized souls? My prayer is that we meet every youth that walks through the door with the love that Jesus showed us. With open arms, open ears, and an open heart. That they might walk away knowing that at The Compass, they truly belong. It’s not that we accept that they stay where they are but can we really offer the hope we have unless we accept the hopelessness they may have. Life is a journey and God calls us to come along side others and help them navigate it. When we selflessly do this, often God ends up blessing us more then we could have imagined.
Todd Brigham
Christian, husband, father, a few other things and...a 'blogger'...or not... Archives |